
In order to use plugin prefix you must activate the plugin group in your Maven settings.xml:


So you can execute the plugin with the command

> mvn lifecycle-helper:execution-plan

Otherwise you can execute the plugin with the command

> mvn it.serendigity.maven.plugins:lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin:execution-plan

Brief examples on how to use goal execution-plan from COMMAND LINE

Note: For all the examples we used the pom from the integration test project. View pom

Display execution plan of a project

If you run execution-plan goal without arguments all maven lifecycle/phases are displayed in the execution plan order.

> mvn it.serendigity.maven.plugins:lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin:execution-plan


It is possible to indicate a specific lifecycle tasks with parameter lifecycle-helper.tasks. For example if you want to list the execution plan only for clean and compile phases.

> mvn it.serendigity.maven.plugins:lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin:execution-plan -Dlifecycle-helper.tasks=clean,compile


Group by/Order by execution plan result

You can order and group and order the execution plan result by any column of the table filling the parameters lifecycle-helper.groupby lifecycle-helper.orderby. Allowed values for orderby are the values of MavenExecutionAttribute enum.

Following two examples with run phases parameter compile:

  • group by true /order by LIFECYCLE (the screenshot was taken from WINDOWS OS to show the differences with MAC OS )
  • group by true /order by PLUGIN
> mvn it.serendigity.maven.plugins:lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin:execution-plan -Dlifecycle-helper.orderby=LIFECYCLE -Dlifecycle-helper.groupby


> mvn it.serendigity.maven.plugins:lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin:execution-plan -Dlifecycle-helper.orderby=PLUGIN -Dlifecycle-helper.groupby


Filter execution plan by plugins

Moreover it's possible to filter the result to a specific plugin filling the parameter lifecycle-helper.filter.plugins.

mvn it.serendigity.maven.plugins:lifecycle-helper-maven-plugin:execution-plan -Dlifecycle-helper.filter.plugins=maven-site-plugin


How to use the plugin goals in your POM

To use the plugin goals in your POM configure it the plugins of the POM.

Below is a configuration example with execution-plan goal configured in the validate phase.





The parameter paramForceTasksFromSession execute the tasks of a maven session and disable the parameter paramRunTasks in order to list the execution-plan of the current maven tasks run from command line.

After configured the pom.xml if you run the following command:

mvn clean package

This is an example of the output:
